Monday, January 9, 2012

Sunday at the Farmer's Market(s)

Hello! And how are you, my dears?

The weekend days can be fleeting, at best, for most of us. For me, "the weekend" actually consists of half of Sunday, due to my waitressing weekend work schedule. This being the case, I try to set out every Sunday to squeeze as much weekend as I can into one afternoon. It's usually hectic, whirlwindish, and utterly delightful. I was fortunate enough to have my beautiful friend, C, join me this past Sunday, as we sauntered through the Ballard and Fremont year-round farmer's markets! We were met with enticing smells, Seattle's always-present street musicians, and organic vegetables. Oh, the organic vegetables. C even purchased some muesli, which she hasn't had since our days spent in England! Cheers to that!

Lovely C: not sure on the outfit details
Outfit details: Sweater/boots/leggings - target, scarf - gifted,
bag - Trader Joes, Dress - let's call it vintage, because I can't remember ;)

Don't get me wrong, I love spending time in the heart of Seattle, but it always seems that some of the more charming, quirky areas lay hidden in the neighboring cities. Ballard's main street has no shortage of bricks, cozy cafe's, and is the home to our beloved Tractor Tavern! After shopping the market, C and I ate at this darling place before heading off to Fremont!

Fremont is near and dear to my heart, and is probably one of the most relaxed, yet vibrant places around! I frequent the Flying Apron often (hop on in next time you're there, their gluton free baked goods will blow your taste bud's sophisticated minds!). C and I went for something a tad less healthy (see chocolate cake slice pictured above) from here, and, believe you me, their frosting is absolute perfection!

So how about you, my dear? Where are your favorite farmer's markets and/or cities?



  1. Um, how is it fair that I don't get to go to outdoor Farmer's Markets in January? Outrage!

    p.s. Holy Frosting, Batman, that cake looks good. Oh & I totally have that TJ's bag. Like, THA SAME ONE. Oh, & you & C are SO CUTE. End transmission.

  2. I think I will leave the art class i'm in this very moment and scoot on over to Seattle. You make it look even more wonderful than it already is. And THAT is difficult.

  3. Goodness, I love you two to pieces! Come visit me ANYTIME, and we'll go visit farmer's markets galore! :)

    p.s. Katie, that's no coincidence! The bag reminded me of our Trader Joes trip, so I had to get myself one ;)
