Today has been showcasing some of my favorite weather - warm spring rains. The greens are so vibrant against so many shades of grey - and the rain is my home.
It's musical Wednesday, but I've decided to switch things up in honor of the mad amounts of study time I've been putting in lately... so here's a mix of some lovely tracks that have been getting me through.
1. Don't Leave Me (Ne me quitte pas) - Regina Spektor
2. Stubborn Love - The Lumineers
3. Model - Balanescu Quartet
4. Hang On Little Tomato - Pink Martini
5. Hang Loose - Alabama Shakes
6. Lover's Game - Geographers
7. Myth - Beach House
8. Suite for Solo Cello No. 1 in G Major - MW 1007: 1. Prelude Cello - Yo-Yo Ma
9. Your Bones - Of Monsters & Men
(Fun. and M. Ward's new albums for the after-study dance party sessions)
I hope you have a little bird who sings you awake each morning, just like the little one who sits outside my window and chirps me awake. The grass is growing, my dears, summer is near.
p.s. This has appropriately become my motto this quarter.
File this under: Songs I need to look up & inevitably buy because Hannah has time tested & excellent taste. :o)