So, I’m planning on establishing some sort of organization (depth, perhaps?) to this blog once I’m on a more regular out-of-school-no-finals-manipulating-my-time path (Watercolor Wednesdays, etc.), taking place in two short weeks! (Eep!) But, for now, little snippets of mildly boring, artless posts will have to suffice. Bear with me.
It’s fascinating to me how you can live with yourself for x-amount of years, and still learn new things about yourself everyday. My new revelation? Despite the fact that I am, in fact, of no relation to a plant, I have very heliotropic tendencies. This morning, on my way to class, my car and I emerged from a torrential downpour and came upon a patch of too-blue-to-be-true skies and a hint of sunshine. Without knowing, my entire body shifted to the left side of my car, and my hand involuntarily plastered itself to the left window – in an effort to reach the sunshine? I rest my case; I’m heliotropic.
In other nature news, before this incident, I saw what I had for the previous twentyish years of my life believed to be a farce, that’s right, I saw the end of a rainbow. Naturally it was sans any pot of gold or little man in green but, regardless, I’m feeling very in tune with nature today (Did I mention there’s a lovely rendition of “You Are My Sunshine” playing at the coffee shop I’m currently ‘planted’ in?). How splendid.
Clearly spring is on it’s merry way – I’m a’waitin’ with open arms. In honor of spring (and out of a necessity to bring more images to this sparse little blog), here are some little guys I spotted during my happiest of springs to date several years ago in beautiful England.
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